
Do You Want To Be Right Or Do You Want To Be Happy? – Debbi Dickinson Post-Divorce Coach and founder of Stepping Into Joy

Are you stuck in a bitter divorce fight? Couples often get caught up with their perceived injustices in the divorce settlement negotiations. The disdain that they personally have for each other usually just adds fuel to the fire when negotiating. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we believe to be right that we

Divorce Or Stay? Parents Must Put Kids First Either Way – Written by Rosalind Sedacca, Divorce and Parenting Coach, Author

Stay together for the sake of the kids? Generations of miserable parents followed that advice, hoping their sacrifices would pay off for their children in the end. Many still believe that it’s the only option for parents stuck in a dead-end marriage. Based on my own personal experience, I have another perspective. Having been raised

Income & Divorce Rates – Written by Beverly Bird, Demand Media

Money issues – particularly when you don’t have enough of it – spell stress. Stress can cause marital problems, and marital problems can result in divorce. The correlation between income and divorce isn’t quite that clear cut, however. Although a University of California study indicates that financial problems are directly linked to marital problems, other

Eight Myths of Divorce Mediation – Written by Joanne Naiman

Traditionally couples divorce as adversaries, hiring separate attorneys to wrangle over child custody and support, maintenance, assets and anything else they care about, even the dog. It’s high stakes poker. Ante up: legal costs, kids, stress. But there’s another way. Increasingly couples are turning to divorce mediation as a realistic and healthier alternative. A couple