How to Help Your Divorce Mediator in Chicago IL Succeed – by Brian James

One of the first things that a divorce mediator in Chicago Illinois will explain is that mediation is a collaborative process.  Success depends on the efforts of the parties and the abilities of the mediator.  Some ways that you can increase the likelihood of your divorce mediator in Chicago Illinois succeeding include: Be Open to

A Feel-Good Chicago Prenuptial Agreement

Many individuals approach a Chicago prenuptial agreement with a great deal of trepidation.  Prenuptial agreements often seem coercive in nature with the wealthier individual threatening to cancel the wedding if the lower-earning spouse does not agree to sign away important rights.  However, people who love each other can create a Chicago prenuptial agreement that makes

Having a Child-Centered Agreement with the Help of a Family Mediator in Chicago

In a typical mediation session, the parties are often told to focus on their interests in order to work out a solution.  They may exchange a provision that they do not care about as leverage for a provision that they do care about.  A family mediator in Chicago can explain that parents have a more

Co Mediation Divorce Mediation – Twice the Help, Twice the Benefits

Co mediation divorce mediation is different from a typical mediation session which usually involves one mediator who shuttles back and forth between the parties with information and settlement offers.  Co mediation divorce mediation involves two mediators who help the parties reach an agreement. Mediators are specially-trained individuals who guide parties toward resolution of a legal

What Nobody Tells You About Being an Adult Child of Divorce – Written by Jenny Kutner, Senior Staff Writer at Mic

What Nobody Tells You About Being an Adult Child of Divorce Right before my parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, an adult close to their relationship told my dad that he needed to get a divorce. That “adult” was none other than me, his then-22-year-old daughter. My dad’s relationship with my mom had started souring

The Role of a Divorce Mediator in Chicago vs. a Judge

For most individuals, their divorce is the first experience they have in the court system, aside from a speeding ticket or two.  The process can be scary and overwhelming, especially when the division of one’s property and making decisions about and time with one’s children is at stake.  Therefore, it is important to understand the

Is Co-Mediation Divorce Mediation More Expensive than Court?

During divorce mediation, a third party neutral called a mediator works with the parties to help them create a settlement agreement that finalizes their dispute.  If the parties settle their case, there is no need to go to court and spend thousands of dollars in legal fees on a trial.  Mediation allows the parties to