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7 Things Never to Say to Someone Going Through a High-Conflict Divorce – Written by Pauline Gaines

Not all divorces are ugly. Some exes mediate instead of hiring pit bull attorneys, sit comfortably together at their kids’ school performances and maintain the same rules in each household. Child support is paid on time. Neither parent speaks ill of the other in front of the children. Timeshares are flexible to support children’s changing

As more seniors seek ‘grey divorce,’ reconsider your retirement plans – written by Linda Nguyen

During a nearly two-decades long career, financial planner Debbie Hartzman has doled out her share of savvy money advice to clients going through divorce. What may be surprising is that in the last few years she’s been seeing more and more clients in their 60s, 70s or even 80s. According to Statistics Canada, the phenomenon

Can extra-marital affairs affect divorce proceedings? – Written by Keith Schulefand, The Law Office of Keith B. Schulefand

Given the no-fault nature of most divorces, the issue of blame related to who caused the end of the marriage does not matter from a legal standpoint. However, during divorce proceedings, if one spouse has been unfaithful during the marriage, this information can affect the settlement outcome under certain conditions. Extra-marital relationships are potentially relevant,